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London North Central Catholic Family of Parishes
St. Michael's Parish | St. Josephine Bakhita African & Caribbean Catholic Community | St. Peter's Cathedral Basilica​

Info Board
Our Lenten Journey
The Season of Lent has begun! Pope Francis' message for Lent, Let us Journey Together in Hope, was released last week.
Click here to view.
Stations of the Cross is prayed each Friday during Lent at both parishes. Various parish groups and Pastoral Team will be leading our prayer each week:
St. Peter's Cathedral: 12:45pm
St. Michael's Parish: 7:00pm
Rite of Election
The Rite of Election for all catechumens (those to be baptized at Easter) from across our Diocese will take place on Sunday, March 9th at 3:00pm at St. Peter’s Cathedral with Bishop Fabbro. Based on the re-affirmation of sponsors and those involved in the process of the catechumen, the church makes its "election" to admit the catechumens. The step is called election because of the acceptance made by the Church is founded on the election by God, in whose name the Church acts. The step is also called enrollment of names as a sign of desire and commitment the candidates inscribe their names in the Book of the Elect.
Please pray for the catechumens from our Family of Parishes and all catechumens and candidates for Full Communion throughout our Diocese as they prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter.
THIS WEEK! March Break Family Movie Night - "ENCANTO"
Don’t miss out on our March Break Family Movie Night! Join us on Wednesday, March 12th at 7:00pm in the St. Michael's Parish Hall.
Enjoy some quality time with your family while watching the Oscar-winning animated movie, “Encanto!” Bring your family, pillows and blankets for a cozy evening. Doors open at 6:30pm.
Please note, all children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult (18+).
Lenten Spiritual Workshop
My Sheep Hear My Voice,
And They Follow Me
Finding it difficult to discern God’s Voice?
This Lenten workshop will teach you how to discern between the 3 voices we hear: the voice of God, the voice of the evil one, or our own inner voice. Am I being led astray or is this where God is leading me? Sponsored by St. Michael’s CWL, Debbie Craven BA, M. Div. will lead the workshop that helps you determine if you are being lead astray or to where God is leading you.
All are welcome! Saturday, April 5th, 9:30am to 1:30pm in the Parish Hall. Free-will offering for lunch. To register, please email or call the parish office at 519-433-6689. The deadline for registration is Monday, March 31st.
Journey Through Lent 2025 Video Series
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has launched its annual Lenten video series, Journey through Lent. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025, and for each Sunday in Lent, up to and including Palm Sunday, a video will be available on the CCCB website featuring pastoral reflections based on the Readings for the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration. Geared to individuals, families, and communities, this series is meant to offer spiritual inspiration and guidance on how to prepare well for the Easter season.
This year’s presenter is Most Reverend Gary Franken, Bishop of St. Paul, Alberta. On this First Sunday, Bishop Franken provides a reflection on the Lord’s temptation in the desert. Click here to view the reflection.
St. Peter's CWL: General Meeting - Saturday, March 8th
Reminder of St. Peter’s Catholic Women’s League General Meeting on Saturday, March 8th beginning at 11:00am in the JPII Room at St. Michael’s. We welcome all women of our parish, ages 16 and up to join us. Please lug a mug and plate!
St. Peter's CWL: Lenten Lunches
St. Peter’s Catholic Women's League is delighted to announce the beginning of our Lenten Lunches at St. Paul's again this year. The big change is that the lunches will be held each Tuesday after Mass, offering the usual soup and sandwich fare. Cost is by free-will offering.
St. Peter’s Knights of Columbus: Come & See Night - Tuesday, March 18th
Do you wonder who the Knights Of Columbus are and what they do? Attend our Come & See Night to get all your questions answered and meet some of the members! Join us on Tuesday, March 18th at 7:00pm in the St Michael's Parish Hall.
Confirmation Registration: Grade 8
Registration for our spring session CLOSES on Friday, March 21st. Click here for more information or email Leigh at
St. Michael's CWL Newsletter
Are you looking to stay up to date with St. Michael's CWL? Be in the know about their upcoming events, celebrations and stories by checking out their newsletter!
Click here to read more.
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